

"Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains. A sensation of well-being and renewed life suffused me." -- Dr. Albert Hofmann


In 1943, Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann was experimenting on chemical derivatives of the fungus, Ergot. He accidentally ingested one of his potions--LSD-25--and took the first Acid Trip of the New Age. As he later wrote: "The world was as if newly created."

 Dr. Hofmann was not the first to experience an Acid Trip. Morning glory seeds also contain LSD-like alkaloids. The native Mexicans called them Ololiuqui, "round seeds." In 1586, Spanish missionary Bernardino de Sahagun described their use: “The faith these natives have in this seed is amazing, since by drinking it, they consult it like an oracle for everything, whatever they want to know, even those things beyond human knowledge.”

 God/Goddess warned Adam and Eve: "To eat of the Tree of Knowledge is to learn both Good and Evil." Dropping Acid WILL take you through the gates of Good and Evil, beyond the limits of human knowledge, into a New World of indivisible Oneness. Journey carefully...

For information on LSD, click the links below.

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