

"I immediately forgot who I was and became Awareness itself, without any sense of personal identity. I had the uncanny feeling that I was accessing a distinctly separate dimension of reality." -- Psychonaut Jim DeKorne


Salvia is the mint plant, Salvia Divinorum. It grows naturally only in the mountains of Mexico where it has long been used by the Mazatec Indians for "divination." Hence, the scientific name Divinorum. Today, you can grow it at home or buy it on the internet, and start your day chewing a wad of Salvia leaves or sipping a cup of Salvia extract.

 Jim offers this caveat: "It is part of this plant’s weird ambience that many people won’t get off on Salvia divinorum the first (or even the tenth) time that they test it. Don’t give up—it is well worth the effort to keep trying. Smoke the dried leaves in a large tobacco-sized pipe or bong; the smoke is not harsh and is easy to hold in the lungs. Take at least three deep inhalations, and lie back with eyes closed. The room must be dark and silent; any external input seems to prevent the experience from manifesting. Smoked Salvia divinorum is usually a short trip; maybe ten or fifteen minutes. If you can manage the bitter taste, another method is to chew and hold the leaves in your mouth for as long as possible. This can result in a trip lasting up to an hour."

If you're planning a trip to the New World with Salvia, be sure to check with your local gendarmes...Salvia is illegal in some states.

For information on Salvia, click the links below.

ErowidVault Wikipedia UnitedNations
