Sassafras/MDMA |
is LOVE."
-- 1 John 4:16
Sassafras is a North American tree with an aromatic root. It was
the source of the original "root beer" and at one time, in the 17th century,
was the second largest export from the American colonies (after tobacco). What does Sassafras have to do with Molly? Why is Sassafras oil, called safrole, a Schedule I controlled substance, like heroin and cocaine? Why? Because Sassafras oil is the source of MDMA. In 1912, MDMA was first produced from safrole. It was called "methylsafrylamin." Now it is known as Molly, Ecstasy, and X. In 1960, the U.S. government banned Sassafras root beer. In 1985, the government banned safrole and MDMA, too. MDMA is a psychedelic entheogen. Entheogen literally means "possessed by god." Entheogens open the "gateway of the heart." If you've ever raved, you know that God/Goddess is LOVE. If you've raved, you've rediscovered the ancient Greek meaning of the word ecstasy: "to step out in dance." If you've raved, you've X-perienced the New World. Brothers & Sisters...Welcome Home...I LOVE YOU! For information on MDMA, click the links below. |
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